UQAM - Faculty of Science

Scriptwriting, production and direction of video and animated content for the UQAM Faculty of Science, which included producing a TV commercial and creating a complete art direction.



Faculty of Science - UQAM

Type d'accompagnement

Creative Producer

Nombre de mandats



Producer, Content Strategist, Writer

UQAM – Faculty of Science

Creative steps

01. Pinpointing your needs

The UQAM Faculty of Science wanted to appear innovative and accessible. Their content needed to spark interest in scientific fields to boost enrolment in their programs.


Content creation had to enhance UQAM’s reputation while promoting the programs of its Faculty of Science.


02. Creating a concept

Several storylines were initially laid out to help refine their creative intentions.


Nothing was rushed into these projects; everything needed to be done. From rebranding to scriptwriting, the design process lasted several weeks before production began.


03. Fine tuning

The faculty includes a variety of stakeholders: researchers, the dean and the administrative board. All of them had to agree.


By adopting an open-minded approach, the producer and the client clarified the message and defined the second perceptual level of the images. The concept was refined until a complete technical layout was created.


04. Setting the stage

Based on the selected creative approach, we informed external collaborators and collected their creative input.


To ensure optimal alignment, the creative producer developed documents synthesizing the total vision for the project: images, sketches and text were gathered and explained to the production team and designers.


05. Bringing the project to life

It took three days of production to make a 30-second spot. It took two weeks to create a 30-second animation.


With the producer’s help, a dedicated team was sent to the production sites. For an animation, the designers developed the most recent version of the storyboard that was prepared together.


Pinpointing your needs


Creating a concept


Fine tuning


Setting the stage


Bringing the project to life


The result exceeded our expectations: an advertising video of incomparable quality. It has even become a hallmark of our faculty.

Nadia Roy

Institutional Marketing Consultant
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